July 2, 2023 — Washington County

Schoofs Preserve- shallow pond adjacent to a planted prairie

Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)
Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
Netted and released
Photo of Eastern Pondhawk
Double-striped Bluet (Enallagma basidens)
Netted and released
Abundant males and females
Photo of Double-striped Bluet
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Netted and released
Photo of Eastern Forktail
Marsh Bluet (Enallagma ebrium)
Netted and released
Rainbow Bluet (Enallagma antennatum)
Netted and released
Abundant - mating pairs
Skimming Bluet (Enallagma geminatum)
Netted and released
Slender Bluet (Enallagma traviatum westfalli)
Netted and released
Mating pairs
Photo of Slender Bluet
Variable Dancer (Violet Dancer ssp.) (Argia fumipennis violacea)
Netted and released
Photo of Variable Dancer (Violet Dancer ssp.)
Emerald Spreadwing (Lestes dryas)
Slender Spreadwing (Lestes rectangularis)
Dot-tailed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta)
Netted and released
Numerous males
Photo of Dot-tailed Whiteface
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)
Photo of Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa)
Netted and released
Photo of Calico Pennant