August 9, 2014 — Chippewa County

Lake Wissota State Park. Campground and Lake shore at beach, boat landing, and on lake (from kayak).

Canada Darner (Aeshna canadensis)
1 Aeshna sp. darner flew by. Couldn't catch it or get a picture to make an ID.
Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
1 or 2 flying over the lake
Black-shouldered Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spinosus)
Netted and released
10+ males perched along lake shore on piers and rocks. (1 photo)
Prince Baskettail (Epitheca princeps)
15+ males patrolling over lake near shoreline
Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Several in bay by boat landing
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum internum)
Netted and released
Several in uplands including the campground (2 photos)
Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
Many along shore of bay at boat landing
Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)
Dozens along shoreline of lake. Very common.
White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum)
Netted and released
Several in uplands near water including campground and picnic areas.
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Many along shore of bay at boat landing
Blue-fronted Dancer (Argia apicalis)
Common along lake shore
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Many along shore in bay at boat landing
Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile)
Netted and released
1 teneral male caught in campground (1 photo)
Orange Bluet (Enallagma signatum)
Netted and released
Common along edge of lake. Hundreds seen
Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta)
1 male along lake shore near beach
Tule Bluet (Enallagma carunculatum)
Netted and released
Common along edge of lake
Slender Spreadwing (Lestes rectangularis)
Netted and released
3 males and 2 females in bay near landing