September 18, 2016 — Douglas County

Boat landing and adjacent bogs at Breitzman Lake west of Hwy 35 and south of County BB on east side of Breitzman Lake Road near Patzou.

Black-tipped Darner (Aeshna tuberculifera)
Netted and released
1-2 males at landing. May have had Aeshna canadensis as well. Missed with net.
Photo of Black-tipped Darner
Lake Darner (Aeshna eremita)
a few flying along lake shore. Huge Aeshna. Flying long slow patrols along shore. Definitely A. eremita.
Subarctic Darner (Aeshna subarctica)
Netted and released
a few males and 1 pair in tandem at landing
Photo of Subarctic Darner
Photo of Subarctic Darner
Photo of Subarctic Darner
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
several at landing
White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum)
many at landing
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
a few males
Spotted Spreadwing (Lestes congener)
Netted and released
several males and pairs at landing