May 7, 2023 — Ozaukee County

Clubhouse pond at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve

Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
At least 6 ovipositing pairs and a few singles. One photo captured four ovipositing pairs in a single frame. 63 degrees just after 11 am. When I returned around 3pm the temperature had dropped to 56 and there was only one male to be seen.
Photo of Common Green Darner
Variegated Meadowhawk (Sympetrum corruptum)
At least one ovipositing pair was photographed in close proximity to a pair of Common Green Darners.
Photo of Variegated Meadowhawk
Southern Spreadwing (Lestes australis)
One male was seen in the morning, but not later in the afternoon.
Photo of Southern Spreadwing