June 23, 2012 — Rock County

Leeson Park, Beloit, open area upstream and more shaded part downstream from dam on Spring Brook (a tributary of Turtle Creek). Access on Leeson Road (off Milwaukee Road).

Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
Very common. Many pairs ovipositing. Some confrontations between male in tandem with female and lone male. (2 photos)
Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
Only a couple of males seen. (1 photo)
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)
Males very common, each patrolling parts of the stream and occasionally perching for a brief time. One male mated sequentially with at least two females. He would mate with a female while in flight, guard her for a while as she laid eggs, leave her to mate with another female and then watch over the second female. This went on for at least 10 minutes. (3 photos)
American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
Only one seen. (1 photo)
River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
Only a couple seen. Photos aren't very clear, but still identifiable. (2 photos)
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Many males and females seen. (1 photo)
Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile)
Very common. Many were mating, flying in tandem, and ovipositing in tandem. (3 photos)