July 17, 2014 — Wood County

For work I was monitoring the Biron Flowage shoreline from the boat launch south to the dam along both sides of the lake and around the large island across from the launch. Day was beautiful! Light breeze, partly cloudy to cloud-free, around 65-70 degrees. We were on the water from about 8:30 to 1:45. Observations vary in location and will note in comments.

Black-shouldered Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spinosus)
Landed in the bottom of our boat while docked at the south most Cera Park pier. (1 photo)
Russet-tipped Clubtail (Stylurus plagiatus)
ID made by way of Facebook post by Ken Tennessen. He said "Stylurus family, probably S. plagiatus" (1 photo)
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Along shore flying in and out of vegetation at Cera Park by south most pier.
Blue-fronted Dancer (Argia apicalis)
Saw several mating, trying to get in on the mating and others that may have been recently emerged of this species. (3 photos)
Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta)
ID confirmed with photos by Bob DuBois. All males. The first three were taken at a pier at the south end of Cera Park. The third one was pulled from a spider web and although we tried to clear its wings, it has what looks like the remains of a mosquito still stuck to it. The 4th and 5th images were of hitchhikers out on the lake. Both were in the southern half of the lake. (5 photos)