May 13, 2017 — Eau Claire County

Coon Forks County Park - Consists of Lake, trails, and marsh on the south end of the park.

Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
one over the larger pool on the east side of the marsh
Beaverpond Baskettail (Epitheca canis)
one over the small pool at the top of the marsh
Ebony Boghaunter (Williamsonia fletcheri)
A collection of exuvia. Several observed with the exuvia. Watched one complete the complete emergence process. 44.68728, -91.01106
Photo of Ebony Boghaunter
Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri)
Several adults flying in sunlight forest openings. At least one exuvia found with a damaged adult male. These were collected. Several Williamsonia exuvia collected, need to sort between fletcheri and linteri yet. Certainly both species are confirmed breeding at the site. Localized to GPS location. Did not see any others emerging in the rest of the marsh. 44.68728, -91.01106
Photo of Ringed Boghaunter
Photo of Ringed Boghaunter
Hudsonian Whiteface (Leucorrhinia hudsonica)
several teneral scattered at the marsh and trails.
Photo of Hudsonian Whiteface
Photo of Hudsonian Whiteface