June 1, 2018 — Chippewa County

O'Neil Creek at 135th Avenue. Creek is tree lined north of the bridge, and a mix of trees and grassy areas south of the bridge.

Ashy Clubtail (Phanogomphus lividus)
Netted and released
One male on sunlit vegetation at the edge of the creek. Making short forays (1-2 feet).
Photo of Ashy Clubtail
Photo of Ashy Clubtail
Photo of Ashy Clubtail
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
A few males and females in long grass several yards from the creek.
Photo of Ebony Jewelwing
River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
Netted and released
One in roadside vegetation some distance from the creek.
Photo of River Jewelwing