Who's Who of Citizen-based Monitoring in Wisconsin.
  		Photo: Wisconsin River - K. Mooney

Golden-winged Warbler Atlas Project

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Contact Information:
Sara Barker
Project Coordinator
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
[email protected]

Year Started:

Golden-winged Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler

The Golden-winged Warbler Atlas Project (GOWAP) is designed to determine the population status and habitat and area requirements of the Golden-winged Warbler and the Blue-winged Warbler as well as their hybrids. Report sightings to eBird and banded birds to USGS Bird Banding Lab.

Subject Area(s):

Data Type(s) Collected:
Population Status
Population Trends
Population Health
Distribution and Range
Habitat Requirements
Habitat Protection
GIS mapping/monitoring
Collectors and users

# of Volunteers:
1000's (includes all Cornell programs)

Volunteer Services:
Training sessions for new volunteers
Online training
Volunteer monitor newsletter
Other - Research Kits
Group website
Data analysis and reporting
Email list or list-serve for volunteers
Staff consultation with individual monitors

Accepting New Volunteers?


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