Who's Who of Citizen-based Monitoring in Wisconsin.
  		Photo: Wisconsin River - K. Mooney

Wisconsin Wasp Watchers

Wisconsin First Detector Network

Contact Information:
Anne Pearce
Wisconsin First Detector Network Coordinator
1575 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
[email protected]

Year Started:
2013, reboot in 2021

Wisconsin Wasp Watchers monitor the nests of the native stingless wasp, Cerceris fumipennis, which brings metallic wood boring beetles to its nests. These beetles include invasive emerald ash borer and other invasive insects. The Cerceris wasps often drop beetles outside of their nests (which can be found in baseball fields); volunteers collect the dropped beetles and send them in for identification.

Subject Area(s):
Invertebrates (mussels, dragonflies, etc.)
Exotics/Invasive Species

Data Type(s) Collected:
Distribution and Range

# of Volunteers:


Volunteer Services:
Training sessions for new volunteers
Online training
Volunteer monitor newsletter
Links to websites of other programs
Data analysis and reporting
Staff consultation with individual monitors
Other - Supplies provided for volunteers

Accepting New Volunteers?


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