Wisconsin Odonata Survey

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Kenosha County

Note: Observations of species shown in bold are 50 or more years old, and we are especially interested in updating these records.

Lestidae – Spreadwing Family

Lestes congener  -
Spotted Spreadwing (2023)

Lestes dryas  -
Emerald Spreadwing (2022)

Lestes rectangularis  -
Slender Spreadwing (2023)

Calopterygidae – Broad-winged Damsel Family

Calopteryx aequabilis  -
River Jewelwing (2016)

Calopteryx maculata  -
Ebony Jewelwing (2019)

Hetaerina americana  -
American Rubyspot (2013)

Coenagrionidae – Pond Damsel Family

Amphiagrion abbreviatum  -
Western Red Damsel (2022)

Argia apicalis  -
Blue-fronted Dancer (1989)

Argia moesta  -
Powdered Dancer (2019)

Argia tibialis  -
Blue-tipped Dancer (2024)

Enallagma antennatum  -
Rainbow Bluet (1968)

Enallagma aspersum  -
Azure Bluet (2023)

Enallagma basidens  -
Double-striped Bluet (2022)

Enallagma carunculatum  -
Tule Bluet (2022)

Enallagma civile  -
Familiar Bluet (2022)

Enallagma ebrium  -
Marsh Bluet (2023)

Enallagma exsulans  -
Stream Bluet (2022)

Enallagma geminatum  -
Skimming Bluet (2023)

Enallagma signatum  -
Orange Bluet (2022)

Enallagma traviatum westfalli  -
Slender Bluet (2021)

Enallagma vesperum  -
Vesper Bluet (2022)

Ischnura posita  -
Fragile Forktail (2022)

Ischnura verticalis  -
Eastern Forktail (2022)

Aeshnidae – Darner Family

Aeshna constricta  -
Lance-tipped Darner (2015)

Aeshna umbrosa  -
Shadow Darner (2015)

Aeshna verticalis  -
Green-striped Darner (2016)

Anax junius  -
Common Green Darner (2023)

Anax longipes  -
Comet Darner (2018)

Epiaeschna heros  -
Swamp Darner (2019)

Rhionaeschna mutata  -
Spatterdock Darner (2022)

Gomphidae – Clubtail Family

Gomphurus fraternus  -
Midland Clubtail (2024)

Stylurus amnicola  -
Riverine Clubtail (2013)

Stylurus plagiatus  -
Russet-tipped Clubtail (2015)

Stylurus spiniceps  -
Arrow Clubtail (2006)

Corduliidae – Emerald Family

Dorocordulia libera  -
Racket-tailed Emerald (2015)

Epitheca cynosura  -
Common Baskettail (2023)

Epitheca princeps  -
Prince Baskettail (2019)

Libellulidae – Skimmer Family

Celithemis elisa  -
Calico Pennant (2023)

Celithemis eponina  -
Halloween Pennant (2016)

Erythemis simplicicollis  -
Eastern Pondhawk (2023)

Erythrodiplax umbrata  -
Band-winged Dragonlet (2012)

Leucorrhinia intacta  -
Dot-tailed Whiteface (2023)

Leucorrhinia proxima  -
Belted Whiteface (2012)

Libellula incesta  -
Slaty Skimmer (2016)

Libellula luctuosa  -
Widow Skimmer (2023)

Libellula pulchella  -
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (2023)

Libellula quadrimaculata  -
Four-spotted Skimmer (2019)

Pachydiplax longipennis  -
Blue Dasher (2023)

Pantala flavescens  -
Wandering Glider (2022)

Pantala hymenaea  -
Spot-winged Glider (2017)

Perithemis tenera  -
Eastern Amberwing (2023)

Plathemis lydia  -
Common Whitetail (2023)

Sympetrum corruptum  -
Variegated Meadowhawk (2012)

Sympetrum obtrusum  -
White-faced Meadowhawk (2019)

Sympetrum rubicundulum  -
Ruby Meadowhawk (2016)

Sympetrum semicinctum  -
Band-winged Meadowhawk (2016)

Sympetrum vicinum  -
Autumn Meadowhawk (2021)

Tramea darwini  -
Striped Saddlebags (2018)

Tramea lacerata  -
Black Saddlebags (2023)

Tramea onusta  -
Red Saddlebags (2018)


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