June 29, 2024 — Dane County

The Pheasant Branch Creek runs through a mature wooded park bounded by Century Avenue on the northeast and Parmenter St on the west. The banks of the creek are very sandy. There are some gaps in the trees that make small open glades along the stream, which has some rapids and some pools. I include a retention pond that is behind the Middleton Police station in this location, as it drains into the Pheasant Branch Creek and produces odes that I find along the creek, such as Azure Bluets.

Ruby Meadowhawk (Sympetrum rubicundulum)
I went back to the spot where I saw a red meadowhawk the day before, but this time with my net. I found a copulating pair. I waited until they disengaged and the female flew to the water - then I netted the male. I photographed the hamules and believe it is a Ruby.
Photo of Ruby Meadowhawk
Photo of Ruby Meadowhawk
Photo of Ruby Meadowhawk