June 23, 2024 — Chippewa County

O'neil Creek Flowage Trail [12:00-12:45, sunny becoming cloudy, 68 F]

Elegant Spreadwing (Lestes inaequalis)
Netted and released
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Photo of Elegant Spreadwing
Marsh Bluet (Enallagma ebrium)
Netted and released
Photo of Marsh Bluet
Photo of Marsh Bluet
Photo of Marsh Bluet
Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer)
Netted and released
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Photo of Lilypad Clubtail
Racket-tailed Emerald (Dorocordulia libera)
Photo of Racket-tailed Emerald
Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Photo of Blue Dasher
Photo of Blue Dasher
Dot-tailed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta)
Photo of Dot-tailed Whiteface
Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
Photo of Eastern Pondhawk
Photo of Eastern Pondhawk
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Photo of Widow Skimmer