Image of volunteer using a bat detector.


In 2010, over 300 bat survey routes on lakes and rivers were developed to help inventory bat species distribution in Wisconsin and investigate changes in relative abundance over time. These standardized routes are known as the BATLAS routes since they have helped inform a statewide inventory of bats, or a Bat Atlas. Each route is roughly 8km in length and takes between 1 and 2 hours to paddle. These surveys have allowed the Wisconsin Bat Program to track impacts on bat populations from white-nose syndrome across the summer landscape. If you want to learn more about how to survey bats by boat, please contact [email protected]!

Lake Route
River Route
Trail Route
DNR logo

This site is produced in conjunction with the Wisconsin Aquatic and Terrestrial Resources Inventory and sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The information presented on this site is subject to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' Legal Notices, Disclaimers, and Terms of Use.