June 15, 2024 — Jackson County
River immediately below dam in Black River Falls, rocky riverside (boulders with shallow pools) including grass and bushes further up the bank.
Rusty Snaketail (
Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis)
Swift River Cruiser (Illinois River Cruiser ssp.) (Macromia illinoiensis illinoiensis)
Spot-winged Glider (
Pantala hymenaea)
We were on the boulders below the dam. The boulders held several large puddles. A zigzagging dragonfly came in and started dip-style ovipositing, sometimes very near us, but very erratically and fast! Through binoculars, the body appeared reddish, the wings clear, and the face was distinctly red. My first impression was spot-winged glider. I tried to photograph it but usually caught the reflection instead of the insect. Considering the size, shape, color, and behavior, I suggest these terrible photographs are of a female spot-winged glider.
American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)