June 23, 2024 — Marinette County

Grassland adjacent to the Menominee River

Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
Netted and released
Photo of Common Green Darner
Black-shouldered Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spinosus)
Netted and released
Photo of Black-shouldered Spinyleg
Cobra Clubtail (Gomphurus vastus)
Netted and released
Photo of Cobra Clubtail
Dragonhunter (Hagenius brevistylus)
Dusky Clubtail (Phanogomphus spicatus)
Netted and released
Photo of Dusky Clubtail
Mustached Clubtail (Hylogomphus adelphus)
Netted and released
Photo of Mustached Clubtail
Pygmy Snaketail (Ophiogomphus howei)
Netted and released
Photo of Pygmy Snaketail
Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
Netted and released
Photo of Common Whitetail
Dot-tailed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta)
Netted and released
Photo of Dot-tailed Whiteface
Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Netted and released
Photo of Four-spotted Skimmer
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)
White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum)
Netted and released
Photo of White-faced Meadowhawk
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Netted and released
Photo of Widow Skimmer
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Netted and released
Photo of Ebony Jewelwing
River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
Netted and released
Photo of River Jewelwing
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Netted and released
Photo of Eastern Forktail
Sedge Sprite (Nehalennia irene)
Netted and released
Photo of Sedge Sprite
Stream Bluet (Enallagma exsulans)
Photo of Stream Bluet
Tule Bluet (Enallagma carunculatum)
Netted and released
Photo of Tule Bluet
Emerald Spreadwing (Lestes dryas)
Netted and released
Photo of Emerald Spreadwing