July 10, 2015 — Rock County
Rock River Lagoon. Diversion of the Rock River that forms an elongate, shallow lagoon in Riverside Park, Beloit. The lagoon is about 110 m wide (E-W) and 225 m long (N-S), has some grasses/sedges growing around the edge, and is aerated with a fountain. Located on the west of Riverside Drive, about 0.5 km north of the intersection with White Avenue.
Prince Baskettail (Epitheca princeps)
Constantly patrolling (back and forth) near the shoreline. (1 photo)
Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)
Males very common. One female seen. (2 photos)
Stream Bluet (Enallagma exsulans)
Two lower males. (1 photo)
Tule Bluet (Enallagma carunculatum)
(3 photos)