September 1, 2015 — Rock County
Rock River Lagoon. Diversion of the Rock River that forms an elongate, shallow lagoon in Riverside Park, Beloit. The lagoon is about 110 m wide (E-W) and 225 m long (N-S), has some grasses/sedges growing around the edge, and is aerated with a fountain. Located on the west of Riverside Drive, about 0.5 km north of the intersection with White Avenue.
Prince Baskettail (
Epitheca princeps)
Several were patrolling territories along water's edge. Seems late for them, but we have had a week of 90 degree temperature.
Eastern Amberwing (
Perithemis tenera)
Saw several males
Eastern Forktail (
Ischnura verticalis)
Saw several
Familiar Bluet (
Enallagma civile)
Common. I include pictures of a couple of males; I am assuming the females are familiar bluets given the number of males.
Fragile Forktail (
Ischnura posita)
Saw a couple
Orange Bluet (
Enallagma signatum)
Saw several; almost all were mating or ovipositing