May 16, 2017 — Shawano County

Navarino WA. along boardwalk, platform, and the main road.

Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri)
80+F, breezy,initially sunny: On the leading edge of the platform.
Photo of Ringed Boghaunter
Belted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia proxima)
80+, breezy, partly cloudly: Immature female in vegetation along boardwalk.
Photo of Belted Whiteface
Hudsonian Whiteface (Leucorrhinia hudsonica)
80+, breezy, partly cloudy: Several females along the boardwalk fairly well hidden in vegetation. ~50 males. Flighty,Deep in the grass along the road. Difficult to see. Was able to image only one mature male and one immature male.(photo on left is Hudsonian, on right is Dot-tailed - RBD)
Photo of Hudsonian Whiteface
Photo of Hudsonian Whiteface
Boreal Bluet (Enallagma boreale)
80+. breezy, cloudy: One male in nearshore vegetation. Very flighty.
Photo of Boreal Bluet