May 28, 2018 — Chippewa County

Deer Fly Trail, Hay Meadow Flowage. Open water west of road. Extensive sphagnum bogs with open pools east of road.

Spiny Baskettail (Epitheca spinigera)
Netted and released
Netted one, a male.
Photo of Spiny Baskettail
Photo of Spiny Baskettail
Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Netted and released
A few.
Photo of Four-spotted Skimmer
Chalk-fronted Corporal (Ladona julia)
Netted and released
The predominant species. Many of both sexes. Males with varying degrees of pruinosity, most with fully developed adult coloration.
Photo of Chalk-fronted Corporal
Elfin Skimmer (Nannothemis bella)
The most abundant species on the sphagnum bog. Not uncommon to see several individuals at once. Mostly females. Saw only two males all day, both fully pruinose. Most obelisking - it was a hot, sunny day!
Photo of Elfin Skimmer
Photo of Elfin Skimmer
Photo of Elfin Skimmer
Hudsonian Whiteface (Leucorrhinia hudsonica)
Netted and released
A few. Seemingly they were more plentiful 7-10 days earlier.
Photo of Hudsonian Whiteface
Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
One female along dirt/gravel road.
Photo of Common Whitetail
Frosted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia frigida)
Netted and released
Several, mostly perched at the shoreline of open water.
Photo of Frosted Whiteface
Dusky Clubtail (Phanogomphus spicatus)
Netted and released
One male on the dirt/gravel road.
Photo of Dusky Clubtail
Photo of Dusky Clubtail
Dot-tailed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta)
Netted and released
One observed.
Photo of Dot-tailed Whiteface
Sedge Sprite (Nehalennia irene)
Observed two. They are usually abundant in grassy vegetation near open water. I did not look specifically for them.
Photo of Sedge Sprite
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
A few.
Photo of Eastern Forktail
Beaverpond Baskettail (Epitheca canis)
Netted and released
Netted two males hunting over the dirt/gravel road during late afternoon.
Photo of Beaverpond Baskettail
Photo of Beaverpond Baskettail
Common Baskettail (Epitheca cynosura)
Netted and released
Netted one male that was hunting over the dirt/gravel road late in the afternoon.
Photo of Common Baskettail