June 10, 2018 — Chippewa County
Lake Como, behind feed mill
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Many observed, though not nearly as many as two weeks ago (or so).
Prince Baskettail (Epitheca princeps)
Observed two patrolling several feet from shore.
Common Green Darner (
Anax junius)
Netted and released
Common Baskettail (
Epitheca cynosura)
Netted and released
A few patrolling the shoreline.
Skimming Bluet (
Enallagma geminatum)
Netted and released
Several along the shoreline.
Dusky Clubtail (
Phanogomphus spicatus)
Netted and released
One perched on a rock at the shoreline.
Familiar Bluet (
Enallagma civile)
Netted and released
A few along the shoreline
Tule Bluet (
Enallagma carunculatum)
Netted and released
A few along the shoreline