August 15, 2018 — Jackson County
Open area with two dried up ponds and brush just off Wildcat Rd.
Green-striped Darner (
Aeshna verticalis)
Netted and released
Several fly over the two dried ponds.
White-faced Meadowhawk (
Sympetrum obtrusum)
Many singles, tandems, wheels throughout the pond areas
Slender Spreadwing (
Lestes rectangularis)
One male seen perched on taller vegetation around the larger dried pond.
Spotted Spreadwing (
Lestes congener)
Many in vegetation around both ponds but primarily in a clearing just E of the first dried pond. On sparse tall dead stems
Sweetflag Spreadwing (
Lestes forcipatus)
Few in vegetation around both ponds but primarily in a clearing just E of the first dried pond. On sparse tall dead stems