August 4, 2019 — Chippewa County
Bloomer. Very small cattail-rimmed pond on property of plastics factory at north end of town (industrial park).
Autumn Meadowhawk (
Sympetrum vicinum)
Netted and released
Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
One female or juvenile male
White-faced Meadowhawk (
Sympetrum obtrusum)
Netted and released
Netted a few. All males.
Eastern Forktail (
Ischnura verticalis)
Netted and released
One male
Tule Bluet (
Enallagma carunculatum)
Netted and released
Saw one male. A few female bluets present, possibly this species.
Spotted Spreadwing (
Lestes congener)
Netted and released
A few (all males)