August 29, 2019 — Chippewa County
Island between Old Abe Lake and the Chippewa River. Accessed by crossing old bridge, first right turn north of CTH Y on Hwy 178.
12:45-5:15 pm, mostly sunny, windy, low 70s
Green-striped Darner (
Aeshna verticalis)
Netted and released
One male
Lance-tipped Darner (
Aeshna constricta)
Netted and released
One female
Shadow Darner (
Aeshna umbrosa)
Netted and released
Russet-tipped Clubtail (
Stylurus plagiatus)
Pair in wheel
Swift River Cruiser (Illinois River Cruiser ssp.) (
Macromia illinoiensis illinoiensis)
A few
Autumn Meadowhawk (
Sympetrum vicinum)
Netted and released
Spot-winged Glider (
Pantala hymenaea)
Netted and released
Netted one. Saw one or two other gliders.
White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum)
Netted and released
Netted one male to confirm ID. Saw several.
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Saw two or three
Powdered Dancer (
Argia moesta)
Several, though the population is much lower than it was a few weeks ago.