June 22, 2020 — Chippewa County
Bloomer. Lake Como, behind feed mill, near dam. [late morning, overcast, mid 60s]
Common Baskettail (
Epitheca cynosura)
Netted and released
A few patrolling males and one or two ovipositing females
Prince Baskettail (
Epitheca princeps)
Eastern Forktail (
Ischnura verticalis)
Netted and released
Orange Bluet (
Enallagma signatum)
Netted and released
One teneral male
Skimming Bluet (
Enallagma geminatum)
Netted and released
A few
Tule Bluet (
Enallagma carunculatum)
Netted and released
A few bluets. Netted one of this species.