July 29, 2020 — Sauk County

Hemlock Draw Preserve. Survey was conducted along a small permanent stream that flows through the preserve.

Fawn Darner (Boyeria vinosa)
One or two adults patrolling in stream bank in the shade.
Arrowhead Spiketail (Cordulegaster obliqua)
Netted and released
One half grown nymph collected, photographed, and released.
Clamp-tipped Emerald (Somatochlora tenebrosa)
Netted and released
Adult male netted, photographed, and released. A couple more seen. Adult female photographed ovipositing on a moss covered rock in midstream, and later seen ovipositing in a shaded pool. Two nymphs, one full grown and one half grown netted, photographed and released.
Photo of Clamp-tipped Emerald