August 2, 2020 — Waushara County

Mecan River between 11th Road and Y, Dakota.

Fawn Darner (Boyeria vinosa)
Netted and released
Saw a few patrolling. One pair formed a wheel and flew off into some shrubs along the riverbank.
Photo of Fawn Darner
Photo of Fawn Darner
Zebra Clubtail (Stylurus scudderi)
Not far downstream from the 11th Rd bridge, saw one male fly close to the canoe and circled around a couple of times before flying off. Did not see any others. No photo was obtained, but almost certain it was a Zebra Clubtail.
Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum)
Saw one female
Photo of Band-winged Meadowhawk
Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
Not more than 5 seen along this stretch of river.
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
The most abundant damselfly along this stretch - quite gregarious.
Photo of Ebony Jewelwing
River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
At least two males and two or three females.