August 20, 2020 — Chippewa County

Intersection of the Deer Fly Trail and The Ice Age Trail. The site includes a sizable pond and a sand-bottomed stream that flows out of the pond. [11:40-12:45, mostly sunny, 76 F]

Fawn Darner (Boyeria vinosa)
Netted and released
One patrolling a small, shallow, sand-bottomed stream that flows through a forest
Photo of Fawn Darner
Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
Netted and released
One in a field of weeds
Photo of Common Green Darner
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Netted and released
Two along a stream
Photo of Ebony Jewelwing
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
Netted and released
Several in a weedy field
Photo of Autumn Meadowhawk