August 31, 2020 — Milwaukee County

Root River Pkwy - slow flowing shallow muddy river and floodplain forest.

Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
Netted and released
Photo of Autumn Meadowhawk
Black Saddlebags (Tramea lacerata)
Ruby Meadowhawk (Sympetrum rubicundulum)
Netted and released
Photo of Ruby Meadowhawk
American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
Netted and released
Photo of American Rubyspot
Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Netted and released
Photo of Ebony Jewelwing
Blue-fronted Dancer (Argia apicalis)
Netted and released
Photo of Blue-fronted Dancer
Blue-tipped Dancer (Argia tibialis)
Netted and released
Photo of Blue-tipped Dancer
Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis)
Netted and released
Photo of Eastern Forktail