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Progomphus obscurus
Common Sanddragon

(Rambur, 1842)
Gomphidae, Clubtail Family
photo of Male common sanddragon
Male common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S3S4
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Varying from 1.8 to 2.1 inches, this brown and yellow dragonfly has 2 dorsal thoracic stripes which usually create a yellow "W" on the shoulders. There are yellow stripes on sides of the thorax as well. Each wing has a brown spot at base with the top edge of the wing yellow. The most of the slender brown abdomen has dorsal yellow triangles and small lateral pale spots at the end. The eyes generally are olive green-yellow in males and brown in females. The face is greenish. The males are easily identifiable by the yellow appendages (at very end of the abdomen). The females are similar to the males but with duller coloration and a thicker abdomen.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Common throughout southern Great Plains and eastern United States, common sanddragons inhabit sand bars in small streams and shallows of wide lakes; sand-bottomed streams and rivers, and in the north, sand-bottomed lakes. It is infrequently found throughout Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Mid-June to late July in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male common sanddragon
Male common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Male common sanddragon
Male common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Male common sanddragon
Male common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male common sanddragon thorax
Close-up of male common sanddragon thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male common sanddragon cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male common sanddragon cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral common sanddragon on its exuvia
Teneral common sanddragon on its exuvia — Brian M. Collins
photo of Emerging common sanddragon
Emerging common sanddragon — Brian M. Collins
photo of Female common sanddragon
Female common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral female common sanddragon
Teneral female common sanddragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of female common sanddragon face
Close-up of female common sanddragon face — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of female common sanddragon thorax
Close-up of female common sanddragon thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Top and bottom view of female common sanddragon abdomen tip
Top and bottom view of female common sanddragon abdomen tip — Dan Jackson
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