Menominee County
Note: Observations of species shown in bold are 50 or more years old, and we are
especially interested in updating these records.
Calopterygidae – Broad-winged Damsel Family
River Jewelwing
Ebony Jewelwing
American Rubyspot
Coenagrionidae – Pond Damsel Family
Western Red Damsel
Blue-fronted Dancer
Variable Dancer (Violet Dancer ssp.)
Powdered Dancer
Blue-tipped Dancer
Aurora Damsel
Taiga Bluet
Tule Bluet
Marsh Bluet
Stream Bluet
Orange Bluet
Eastern Forktail
Sedge Sprite
Aeshnidae – Darner Family
Green-striped Darner
Common Green Darner
Springtime Darner
Fawn Darner
Harlequin Darner
Gomphidae – Clubtail Family
Lilypad Clubtail
Black-shouldered Spinyleg
Midland Clubtail
Splendid Clubtail
Cobra Clubtail
Mustached Clubtail
Green-faced Clubtail
Riffle Snaketail
Boreal Snaketail
Pygmy Snaketail
Rusty Snaketail
Lancet Clubtail
Pronghorn Clubtail
Ashy Clubtail
Rapids Clubtail
Common Sanddragon
Riverine Clubtail
Elusive Clubtail
Zebra Clubtail
Arrow Clubtail
Cordulegastridae – Spiketail Family
Twin-spotted Spiketail
Macromiidae – Cruiser Family
Swift River Cruiser (Illinois River Cruiser ssp.)
Corduliidae – Emerald Family
American Emerald
Racket-tailed Emerald
Beaverpond Baskettail
Common Baskettail
Prince Baskettail
Spiny Baskettail
Stygian Shadowdragon
Libellulidae – Skimmer Family
Eastern Pondhawk
Chalk-fronted Corporal
Frosted Whiteface
Hudsonian Whiteface
Dot-tailed Whiteface
Slaty Skimmer
Widow Skimmer
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Four-spotted Skimmer
Blue Dasher
Wandering Glider
Common Whitetail