Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Tachopteryx thoreyi
Gray Petaltail

Hagen in Selys, 1858
Petaluridae, Petaltail Family
"Most Wanted" Species
photo of Male gray petaltail
Male gray petaltail — Michael Moore
Two species of the petaltail family occur in North America with this species found in the east and the black petaltail found in the west. Petaltails are considered to be the most primitive living dragonflies.
Global: G4 Wisconsin: SNA
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Gray petaltails are large black and gray dragonflies with widely separated eyes, long parallel-sided stigmas, white faces, and dark brown to gray eyes. Their thorax is mainly gray, while the abdomen is gray with black markings. They often perch on tree trunks and downed logs. Gray petaltails are approximately 7.1-8.0 cm in length. Females are like males but have a blade-like ovipositor.
Description of Habitat/Range:
The gray petaltail lives in highlands, woodlands, and deciduous forests with permanent seeps that are near streams or ponds. This species is found over much of the eastern US from central New York to eastern Oklahoma and Texas. In Wisconsin, an adult was found in Washington County and there have been possible sightings in Grant County. This species is not known to breed here. Please report any evidence of breeding (pairs in wheel, ovipositing females, tenerals, nymphs, or exuviae) to the Wisconsin Odonata Survey.
Flight Season:
In Wisconsin, our single sighting was from June. In Ohio it has been observed from May to August, in New Jersey it has been reported from June to August, and in Florida it flies from March to June
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male gray petaltail
Male gray petaltail — Michael Moore
photo of Male gray petaltail
Male gray petaltail — Michael Moore
photo of Close-up of male gray petaltail thorax
Close-up of male gray petaltail thorax — Michael Moore
photo of Female gray petaltail
Female gray petaltail — Michael Moore
photo of Female gray petaltail
Female gray petaltail — Michael Moore
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