Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Adult: male larger than American Crow, female comparable to Common Raven; sexes similar in
Tail: long, 4 indistinct bands of light and dark gray below, bands darker and more noticeable above;
Wings: wide, rounded, slate blue-gray above, light gray with black streaking below;
Head: darker slate gray, distinct white eye-line;
Under-tail coverts: white;
Eye: orange to red.
Back and Wings: light to dark brown, white eye-line present;
Tail: 5+ indistinct brown bands;
Eye: yellow.
Deciduous hardwoods and mixed coniferous forest, varies by landscape type; do nest in homogenous aspen
stands; rarely found in woodlots. Have been found nesting in mature white and red pine plantations. Nests usually
18-30� in diameter; usually will select the largest tree within the stand.
Nests in northern 2/3 of state including the central forest areas. Occurs statewide in Winter.
Audio recordings donated by John Feith.
Additional bird call recordings available at