Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Stylogomphus albistylus
Eastern Least Clubtail

(Hagen in Selys, 1878)
Gomphidae, Clubtail Family
photo of Male eastern least clubtail
Male eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S3
Distinguishing Characteristics:
In this small clubtail, the thorax is mostly pale green in males and greenish yellow in female. The face and thorax are striped with black The length of the slender body varies from 1.2 to 1.4 inches. The black abdomen often has narrow rings. The legs are black.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Ranging through eastern United States and southeastern Canada, the least clubtail prefers wide gravelly, rocky riffles of warm or cold, clear streams. In Wisconsin, it is only known from a handful of northern counties.
Flight Season:
Early June to mid-August in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male eastern least clubtail
Male eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Male eastern least clubtail
Male eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral male eastern least clubtail
Teneral male eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male eastern least clubtail thorax
Close-up of male eastern least clubtail thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male eastern least clubtail face
Close-up of male eastern least clubtail face — Dan Jackson
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male eastern least clubtail cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male eastern least clubtail cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Female eastern least clubtail
Female eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female eastern least clubtail
Female eastern least clubtail — Dan Jackson
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