Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Arigomphus cornutus
Horned Clubtail

(Tough, 1900)
Gomphidae, Clubtail Family
photo of Male horned clubtail
Male horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
Global: G4 Wisconsin: S3S4
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This stocky gray-green dragonfly has a slender black abdomen, usually with a pale tip and brown-black stripes on the thorax. Breeding in still waters, the females of this genus are the only clubtails with ovipositors. Difficult to catch, it is very wary and quick. The eyes are blue. The males have distinctive, widely forked claspers.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Usually found at bog-edged ponds, small marshy lakes, slow streams, and rivers, this species ranges abundantly throughout the northern Midwest and parts of Canada. It is uncommon but widely distributed throughout Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Early June through mid-July in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male horned clubtail
Male horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Male horned clubtail
Male horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male horned clubtail thorax
Close-up of male horned clubtail thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male horned clubtail face
Close-up of male horned clubtail face — Dan Jackson
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male horned clubtail cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male horned clubtail cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Female horned clubtail
Female horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female horned clubtail
Female horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female horned clubtail
Female horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female horned clubtail
Female horned clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Horned clubtail exuviae
Horned clubtail exuviae — Dan Jackson
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