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Celithemis elisa
Calico Pennant

(Hagen, 1861)
Libellulidae, Skimmer Family
photo of Male calico pennant
Male calico pennant — Dan Jackson
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S5
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This is an attractive, strikingly marked species. The males are reddish-brown to black with red-brown marks on its wings that become darker as they age. The female is yellow and black with reddish eyes and black marks on its wings. The length of the body varies from 1.1 to 1.3 inches.
Description of Habitat/Range:
This species is common in eastern United States and southeast Canada. It is usually found at vegetated ponds, lakes, borrow pits, and stream pools with emergent plants or marshy borders. Sometimes they can be found at slow parts of streams or brackish marshes. It is widely, though locally, distributed throughout Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Mid-May to mid-September in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male calico pennant
Male calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Male calico pennant
Male calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Immature male calico pennant
Immature male calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral male calico pennant
Teneral male calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Female calico pennant
Female calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Female calico pennant
Female calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Female (red andromorph) calico pennant
Female (red andromorph) calico pennant — Dan Jackson
photo of Calico pennant mating pair
Calico pennant mating pair — Dan Jackson
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