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Plathemis lydia
Common Whitetail

(Drury, 1773)
Libellulidae, Skimmer Family
photo of Male common whitetail
Male common whitetail — Dan Jackson
Species of the genus Libellula (king skimmers) often perch on shoreline vegetation, are stout bodied, and usually have distinctive body and wing patterns.
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S5
Distinguishing Characteristics:
The stocky male has a pruinose white abdomen and a brown thorax. His wings have wide dark bands and small basal marks. The brown female is similar to the female twelve-spotted skimmer with 12 dark markings on the wings. The female has some white markings on its abdomen, creating a zigzag appearance down the sides. The length of the body varies from 1.7 to 1.9 inches
Description of Habitat/Range:
Common throughout United States and southern Canada, it is found at almost any non-moving or slow waters, including marshes and ponds. It seems to tolerate disturbed habitats. The common whitetails are often found in same areas as the twelve-spotted skimmers. It is widely distributed throughout Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Mid-May to late August in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male common whitetail
Male common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Male common whitetail
Male common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Intermediate male common whitetail
Intermediate male common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Immature male common whitetail
Immature male common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female common whitetail
Female common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female common whitetail
Female common whitetail — Mike Reese
photo of Ovipositing female common whitetail
Ovipositing female common whitetail — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral female common whitetail
Teneral female common whitetail — Dan Jackson
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