Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Sympetrum madidum
Red-veined Meadowhawk

(Hagen, 1861)
Libellulidae, Skimmer Family
"Most Wanted" Species
photo of Female red-veined meadowhawk
Female red-veined meadowhawk — Ryan Brady
First recorded in Wisconsin in (2007), the red-veined meadowhawk is a western species and is considered casual in Wisconsin.

Meadowhawks are small skimmers that are often abundant in summer and autumn. Males of most species are reddish while females and tenerals are brown to orange-yellow. Identification of a number of species can be tricky, often requiring use of a 10X loupe to examine the hamules of males and the subgenital plates of females in the hand.
Global: G5 Wisconsin: SNA
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This large meadowhawk has red-veined wings and conspicuous thoracic stripes. Males are generally red with unmarked abdomens and females and immature adults are generally yellow at first, becoming brownish in females and reddish in males when they get older. Immature females are similar to immature variegated meadowhawks but lack the yellow spot at the bottom end of the front thoracic stripe.
Description of Habitat/Range:
It is found at shallow, marshy ponds and lakes as well as marshy pools in small, slow-flowing streams. This is a western species with a range that extends from the far western edge of Minnesota to the west coast including northern states and Canada. It is casual in Wisconsin. Please report any sightings and evidence of breeding (pairs in wheel, ovipositing females, tenerals, nymphs, or exuviae) to the Wisconsin Odonata Survey.
Flight Season:
Two Wisconsin observations; both in July. In its core range, it has been observed from mid-June to mid-September.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Female red-veined meadowhawk
Female red-veined meadowhawk — Ryan Brady
photo of Close-up of female red-veined meadowhawk
Close-up of female red-veined meadowhawk — Ryan Brady
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