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Nasiaeschna pentacantha
Cyrano Darner

(Rambur, 1842)
Aeshnidae, Darner Family
photo of Male Cyrano darner
Male Cyrano darner — Dan Jackson
The single species in this genus occurs in eastern North America and is characterized by a stocky build and projecting forehead.
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S3S4
Distinguishing Characteristics:
The forehead of both genders projects forward about one-third the length of the head forming an unmistakable profile (hence its common name after the literary character Cyrano de Bergerac). The thorax is brown with green thoracic side stripes, the first (anterior) of which is jaggedly notched; the abdomen is complexly patterned. The female's abdomen is stout and cylindrical with very short cerci at the tip. The combination of blue eyes and brown and green body coloration distinguishes it from all mosaic darners. Use prominent forehead shape and complexly patterned abdomen to separate Cyrano darner from swamp darner.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Common throughout eastern United States and southeastern Canada, this species inhabits slow swampy streams, lake coves, and ponds, usually in forested landscapes. Widespread but usually not common at any given site in Wisconsin, records are scattered throughout the state. Nymphs are typically associated with submerged wood.
Flight Season:
Early June to late August throughout the eastern United States. Adults are usually seen in Wisconsin from early June to early July.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male Cyrano darner
Male Cyrano darner — Dan Jackson
photo of Male Cyrano darner
Male Cyrano darner — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male Cyrano darner thorax
Close-up of male Cyrano darner thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male Cyrano darner face
Close-up of male Cyrano darner face — Dan Jackson
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male Cyrano darner cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male Cyrano darner cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Ovipositing female Cyrano darner
Ovipositing female Cyrano darner — Dan Jackson
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