There are two species in the genus of pygmy darners (Gomphaeschna), both of which occur in eastern North America, and one is infrequently found in Wisconsin. The genus is characterized by small size (for a darner), thorax heavily patterned with pale marks, and the male epiproct being forked (unique among darners).
The male is characterized by relatively small size, green eyes, irregular pale green thoracic markings, green and rusty orange (may look golden) abdominal markings, and a forked epiproct. The female is similarly but more lightly colored, and has short, narrow cerci.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Found throughout the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, this species inhabits shallow, wooded bog ponds (often with Sphagnum mosses) and alder or cedar swamps and ditches. Preferred habitats may be spring-fed. In Wisconsin, it is known from only a handful of sites in the northern and central counties.
Flight Season:
Late May to early July in northern part of its range.