Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Hetaerina americana
American Rubyspot

(Fabricius, 1798)
Calopterygidae, Broad-winged Damsel Family
photo of Male American rubyspot
Male American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S5
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This is a large, colorful damselfly, varying from 1.5 to 1.8 inches for both genders. The male is reddish. The thorax has thin pale stripes. The abdomen is bronze-green with thin pale rings. The wings have large red spots near the body. The eyes are brownish. The female is more greenish than red. The thorax and abdomen is green with white markings like the male. The wings of the female have amber spots at the base and along the leading edge of wings. The wings also have tiny white stigmas (near tips of wings). The abdomen is stockier than the male.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Ranging throughout United States and southernmost Canada, the American rubyspot prefers streams and rivers with emergent vegetation and flowing water. It is widely distributed throughout Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Late May to late September in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male American rubyspot
Male American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
photo of Male American rubyspot
Male American rubyspot — Mike Reese
photo of Immature male American rubyspot
Immature male American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral male American rubyspot
Teneral male American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male american rubyspot thorax
Close-up of male american rubyspot thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Female American rubyspot
Female American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
photo of Female American rubyspot
Female American rubyspot — Dan Jackson
photo of Female and male rubyspots in tandem
Female and male rubyspots in tandem — Dan Jackson
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