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Neurocordulia yamaskanensis
Stygian Shadowdragon

(Provancher, 1875)
Corduliidae, Emerald Family
photo of Male stygian shadowdragon
Male stygian shadowdragon — Dan Jackson
The shadowdragons are medium-sized, orange to brown dragonflies that hang in dense shaded vegetation by day and become active and feed only for brief periods at dawn and dusk. Therefore, the adults are rarely seen unless a person specifically looks for them.
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S3
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This brown-bodied dragonfly varies from 1.8 to 2.2 inches in length. There are a few dots on front edges of the wings with brown-edged veins, but hindwings have large amber spots at the base. There is little pattern on the body, and yellowish lateral stripes on the abdomen. The sides of the thorax are lighter than the front. The eyes are brownish green. The abdomen may become blackish with age. Like the smoky shadowdragon, the stygian shadowdragon tends to fly over water during the last hour before darkness, most intensely in the last half hour. Populations of Neurocordulia are therefore most easily found by searching appropriate habitats for exuviae during June and July.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Common throughout eastern United States, from Tennessee to Maine, the stygian shadowdragon prefers clean lakes and large rivers with water in constant motion and not too acid. It is occasionally found throughout Wisconsin in larger rivers.
Flight Season:
Throughout its range, the typical flight season is from mid-May to early August.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male stygian shadowdragon
Male stygian shadowdragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Male stygian shadowdragon
Male stygian shadowdragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral male stygian shadowdragon
Teneral male stygian shadowdragon — Dan Jackson
photo of Teneral male stygian shadowdragon
Teneral male stygian shadowdragon — W.A. Smith
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male stygian shadowdragon cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male stygian shadowdragon cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Female stygian shadowdragon
Female stygian shadowdragon — W.A. Smith
photo of Immature female stygian shadowdragon
Immature female stygian shadowdragon — Dan Jackson
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