Wisconsin Odonata Survey title graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic Wisconsin Odonata Survey graphic

Gomphurus vastus
Cobra Clubtail

(Walsh, 1862)
Gomphidae, Clubtail Family
photo of Male cobra clubtail
Male cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
Global: G5 Wisconsin: S4
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This yellow-green dragonfly has black stripes on the thorax. The length of the body varies from 1.8 to 2.2 inches. The abdomen is black with small yellow dorsal stripes and yellow spots on a wide club at end. The face has a black stripe, unique among clubtails. The legs are black. Near the body, 1/4 of wings are tinted yellow. Clubtail species are very similar to each other in some aspects, careful inspection is needed to identify them.
Description of Habitat/Range:
Common throughout eastern United States and southeastern Canada, cobra clubtails can be found at large rivers with average to fast currents, and lake shores where there are alternating stretches of sand and gravel, and sometimes large streams. Brushes or thickets seem to be appreciated along the habitats listed previously. It is widely distributed but not necessarily abundant in Wisconsin.
Flight Season:
Late May to early August in Wisconsin.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
photo of Male cobra clubtail
Male cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Male cobra clubtail
Male cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Immature male cobra clubtail
Immature male cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male cobra clubtail thorax
Close-up of male cobra clubtail thorax — Dan Jackson
photo of Close-up of male cobra clubtail face
Close-up of male cobra clubtail face — Dan Jackson
photo of Side (top image) and top view of male cobra clubtail cerci
Side (top image) and top view of male cobra clubtail cerci — Dan Jackson
photo of Female cobra clubtail
Female cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Female cobra clubtail
Female cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
photo of Immature female cobra clubtail
Immature female cobra clubtail — Dan Jackson
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