The following is a list of some of the volunteer opportunities at the Wisconsin DNR. Please click the link given for each program for more
The Bumble Bee Brigade surveys for native bumble bees throughout the state.
The Citizen Lake Monitoring Network is a partnership between
UW-Extension Lakes, the Wisconsin DNR, and over 1,000 volunteers that collect many types of water quality information on Wisconsin Lakes.
The Karner Volunteer Monitoring Program documents Karner blue butterfly observations throughout the state in order
to track population status, distribution and trends.
Water Action Volunteers (WAV) measure six important elements of stream health using
scientific tools and techniques and report data to a statewide database.
The Wisconsin Bat Program monitors our bat populations through summer roost counts and acoustic detection
The Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative coordinates statewide surveys for poorly-monitored,
secretive bird species such as owls, nightjars, rails, bitterns, and grebes.
The Wisconsin Frog & Toad Survey documents frog and toad distribution, relative abundance,
and population trends in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Mussel Monitoring Program seeks to provide up-to-date information on the distribution
of native freshwater mussels at a statewide level.
The Wisconsin Turtle Conservation Program aims to document turtle distribution, nesting areas,
and road mortality hot spots statewide in order for conservation managers and citizen scientists to utilize data to focus on high
priority areas for conservation.